Monday, February 18, 2008

Iowa Heart Center

My life as a home-bound cardiac patient. In case there was any; I did not change outfits all weekend

Christian really enjoyed taking this one. Hah...

I was counting down the seconds until I got to remove it.

Don't think those circles were fun to remove.

Sadie did not sleep on my bed voluntarily. I made her.

Unfortunately, the 24 hours I spent at home were insanely better than those I spent outside of it.

I have never been topless in front of more people than I was this weekend. I hate my heart.

I am so sick of hospital smells, gowns that only open to the front, incompetent nurses, long needles, wasting blood on laboratories, one-on-ones with ridiculous doctors, awkward silences, and leaving my mother behind in the waiting room.