'Friends with benefits' - is there really such a thing - or should it, in all actuality, be named something more along the lines of 'acquaintances who hook-up with each other on a consistently regular basis?'
My Cosmo once told me that the 'friends with benefits' package was a perfectly logical relationship...I loved the idea...I reveled in the idea. As a strong protagonist of both male and female single-hood, I support any and all physical contact with the opposite sex...as long as there is nothing serious up along the long road ahead. However, after several ridiculously bad encounters, I think I'm beginning to disagree with my once very strong, positive opinion concerning the matter...I think I'm actually beginning to lean towards a strong opposition of 'friends with benefits'...and unfortunately becoming a non-believer in what was once such an inspiring concept.
In my experience, a physical relationship without an exclusive relationship fits in one of three categories:
1. random...and probably never going to happen again
2. the result of recurrent contact during a time of neediness, desperation, or boredom
3. the unfortunate end of a friendship
I have yet to experience the joy of having a guy friend who is also someone I continually experience 'benefits' with.
So where are these boys who seem so ideal? I've had guy friends who, with what has become the inevitable, unfortunate loss of their friendship, have turned into a casual something else; I've had guys who I've spent the night with...who I've faked friendship with afterward in order to make it seem a little more okay; I have also had guys who I really just meet up with on weekend nights for a little fun. I have never once hooked up with a guy who it's been possible to either retain or build a friendship with after the act.
Someone You Hook-Up With = Someone You Are Sexually Attracted To. If you are really, truly friends with someone - so much that you honestly enjoy spending time with them and really care about them...and you are attracted to them sexually - so much that you have a physical relationship with them...what does that equal? It sounds to me like a relationship.
Friendship + Attraction + Overall Enjoyed Companionship = A Hell Of Something That Resembles Something All Too Similar To A Relationship.
'Friends with benefits' do not exist.
The idea of 'friends with benefits,' in this depressing reality, is simply nothing more than another one of those myths the less-committed of us unsuccessfully strive for.