Thursday, March 20, 2008

What Would Jane Do?

What would Jane have done?

Would she have walked across the street?

Would I?

I'm watching The Jane Austen Book Club right now. I just finished Becoming Jane.

I don't think Jane would have gotten to the street in the first place.

I think I wouldn't have gotten there...but for a different reason. I wouldn't have gotten there because I would have done the sensible thing.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Shiny, New Shoes

The bare necessities of life. For most people, the list goes something along the lines of the following: food, water, shelter, sleep, minimal clothing...

...for me? It's a little skewed: A closet full of shoes, bags, clothes, and accessories, water, a good treadmill, and my IPod.

If there is a pair of shiny, new pumps in the window of my favorite store, I will literally go for months without grocery shopping just so that I can afford them when they finally go on sale.

I usually go to bed around 2:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. wouldn't be too bad if I didn't get up until class time. However, that's not how my life works. My alarm tends to go off sometime around 6:00 a.m. each morning...the Health Beat's fabulous machines and I tend to be inseparable during the early morning hours of facility operation.

Water seems to be the only unarguable necessity shared by both my life and those of normal people.

I find that fact only semi-disturbing.